Truth and Reconciliation and Anti-racism

RainCity’s Manager of Communications & Fund Development shares his personal thoughts as a non-Indigenous person who works alongside Indigenous and non-Indigenous coworkers at a non-Indigenous organization.  

I’m writing this as the sun sets on the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, also known as Orange Shirt Day. Many events took place today for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people throughout Turtle Island, educational and connective opportunities to honour and remember all of the lives lost and of those impacted by the residential school system and the ongoing legacy of the colonization of Indigenous peoples. 

For Reconciliation to be truly effective, it needs to be a daily process, not just on September 30.  

I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have had opportunities to learn about these histories, the effects systemic racism continues to have on both Indigenous coworkers and the Indigenous people we support, how to contribute to culturally safe environments, and ways I can engage with the process of reconciliation. 

Here are some of the things I’ve learned about my privileged position: 

  • I can exist in a cultural landscape and still not agree with the ideology, all the while perpetuating and benefiting from the ideology; 
  • I can hear or see individual or systemic racism taking place but not try to make change, while simultaneously benefiting from systemic racism; 
  • I have subconscious biases that perpetuate my view of myself and confirm my experiences as normal, when in fact many of my experiences are what BIPOC individuals may rarely experience. 

If I’m to make change, take action, and get better at my anti-racism work, I need to practice. You can’t expect to pick up a guitar for the first time and play it perfectly. You need to spend some time and work at it. And if you want to get really good, you must practice every day. It’s not easy, but each time I confront such things, I try to call out anti-racism, address micro aggressions, and not shy away from difficult conversations. 

As a non-Indigenous person, I am humbled and very grateful that the Indigenous Cultural Services department at RainCity is willing to work closely with all of us, inform us, and challenge us every day in how we do the work we do. 

RainCity continues to learn and deepen the understanding of the societal and systemic racism that perpetuates and supports colonialism within or organization. As we learn from our actions towards decolonial practice, we hope to become stronger together in this work, and we invite everyone to join in this ongoing anti-racism and decolonial work.  

Bill Briscall, Manager of Communications and Fund Development

Why are Overdose Prevention Sites needed in every community? 

“They really do save lives.”

That’s the short answer. Jennifer Conway-Brown, a harm-reduction lead with Fraser Health shared this in a recent Vancouver Sun article. Lori Culbert from the Sun visited a number of Metro Vancouver OPS (Overdose Prevention Sites), including the Thomus Donaghy OPS that RainCity operates in Vancouver’s Downtown. 

Members of our Peer Services Dept in front of the previous location of the TDOPS. Mouse, second from the left , is no longer with us. He was a quiet force of nature and we miss him immensely!

Since moving to a new location in April this year, the TDOPS has had 5,362 visits, showing the need for an OPS in that neighbourhood. This location also has inhalation tents (two-thirds of people who died in 2024 were smoking drugs, while only one in 10 were injecting), a cooling area for the summer heat, and small kennels for dogs to stay in while visiting with their owners. 

On the fourth floor of St Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver is an OPS where RainCity Peer Witnesses build connections with patients and nurses to assist in safe consumption and community connection upon discharge. Since May this year this OPS (which also has outdoor space for inhalation) has had 4,482 visits, the majority accessing the inhalation space. All these visits are in patients of St Paul’s – they’re not walking in off the street – and safely return to the ward of the hospital where they’re staying.

But it’s not just a Downtown Eastside issue or even an urban issue. Almost half of the OPS in B.C. are outside the lower mainland. This is an intentional response from all provincial health authorities since the leading cause of death in B.C. among people aged 10 to 59 is now poisoning from unregulated drugs. Almost 15,000 people have died since 2016. The good news is that nearly 29,000 overdoses were successfully reversed thanks to having OPS set up across the province. 

It’s also an intensely debated national issue as well. Ontario Premier Doug Ford has decided to close 10 of the 23 OPS in Ontario, concerned about their proximity to schools and daycares while promising more treatment services. This goes against the expert opinions in two reports sought out by Ford and his government, reports saying the province needs to keep OPS open and EXPAND harm reduction services, not close them down.  

Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre, who has labelled supervised consumption sites “drug dens” has vowed to withdraw federal funding for sites if elected and believes “reasonable restrictions” can be put in place to prevent them from opening “in locations that endanger the community, or where there is community opposition.”

We saw an example of this in Richmond, B.C., where a small but vocal group made it clear to Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) they did not want an OPS opening near Richmond Hospital. It’s worthwhile noting that while VCH chose not to pursue this, Richmond Mayor and Council “voted 7-2 in favour of exploring the possibility of establishing such a site for people with addictions in the city, despite overwhelming public opposition during open council meetings.”

A recent Globe and Mail editorial acknowledge and agree with the reports provided to the Ontario government, recommending expanding and improving harm reduction services, not eliminating them. The editorial also emphasizes the importance for OPS operators to be responsive to neighbours’ concerns, something that our staff at all the OPS we operate pursue on a regular basis.

What can you do?

If you think Overdose Prevention Sites are needed in your community, reach out to your Mayor and Council, MLA, or MP and let them know you support having an OPS in your neighborhood because they save lives, provide connections to health care resources, and access to services that include treatment. Keeping people alive means they can make those connections, pursue treatment, and live a long life.    

How to contact all three levels of government in B.C. 

August 31 is International Overdose Awareness Day

A pic from one of last year’s IODAD events, with harm reduction cookies!

August 31st is International Overdose Awareness Day and there are events taking place throughout B.C.’s lower mainland, as part of the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died and acknowledge the grief of family and friends left behind. 

Here are some links to events and note that some are as early as tomorrow (Aug 29): 

What do you think?

Please let us know! Comment on this blog post or on Facebook, Instagram, or X. 

An Open Letter to Ensure Inclusive Language

RainCity sent an Open Letter to the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General requesting they change their forms so they have inclusive language. You can read the letter below.

May 3rd, 2023 

OPEN LETTER  – Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General 

Policing and Security Branch | Security Programs Division Criminal Records Review Program | Risk Assessment Office  – P.O. Box 9217 Stn Prov Gov’t Victoria BC V8W 9J1 

Dear Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General: 

Re: Request to update forms with inclusive language 

RainCity Housing is an organization that provides shelter and supportive housing, sustains relationships, strengthens communities, and makes change for people experiencing homelessness and mental health, trauma, and substance use issues. We serve a diverse group of people, and this diversity is reflected in our staff group. While we strive to be an organization that supports our clients and employees in their differences, some of the forms we are compelled to use are not reflective of this support, carrying non- inclusive binary language. Our wish is to dismantle this bias and ensure a safe space for our employees by ensuring that all employee-facing forms, documents, and paperwork show respect for our employees’ identities. 

We call out to you to stand in solidarity with gender-diverse, gender queer, and non-binary trans people, and update the form “CRR010 Employee Consent to a Criminal Record Check”, which currently only provides a binary gender option. 

Our organization understands that misgendering and disrespecting people’s gender identity is a form of discrimination. It can cause long-lasting physical and mental health harm to a historically disadvantaged group and its intersectionalities, and further negatively stigmatizing and invisibilizing them, furthering gender dysphoria. We recognize the detrimental impact of this and strive to have all our communications reflect our inclusion and equity values. 

We see an emerging national trend in decentering normative identities. Since 2018, the Government of British Columbia in collaboration with ministries of Health, Citizens’ Services and Attorney General, provides its citizen the choice to display an ‘X’ as a gender in government-issued IDs and Birth Certificate. This option is also provided by Passport Canada. Both the United Nations and the Canadian Ministries have been studying a non-medical model of gender identification. As set in 2021 by the Tribunal Member Devyn Cousineau in a complaint before British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal (File CS-000956), gender identity is a fundamental part of a person’s identity, and it is both discriminatory and a violation of one’s dignity to undermine, erase, and degrade someone’s gender identity in their place of work. It adversely impacts their employment, and their safety is undermined. Devyn reminds us that Human Rights law is concerned with the impact of our choices, and not its intentions. Gender expression is at present a protected ground under the B.C. Human Rights Code. 

It’s important for all organizations to take a step back and determine the relevance of preemptively collecting gender information. If it’s assessed that collecting gender information is of significant importance, the most inclusive way to do so is to allow participants to identify their gender in their own words, as no list could ever fully capture the expansiveness of gender diversity. At a minimum, organizations should strive to provide participants with non-binary gender options. 

Taking the time to uproot systemic discrimination within an organization’s practices sends the message to all stakeholders that their identity and gender expression is seen, recognized, and respected. Inclusive forms provide a more accurate data collection of the diversity in our community, they affirm the community members of their humanity, and they are an important part of LGBTQ-affirming culture. 

We hope you understand the gravity of this topic and how our nation’s systems have historically dismissed and failed to adequately respond to these concerns. We hope that we may hear your addressing of this urgent matter promptly. 

We invite you to be part of the change. Thank you for your cooperation.


Catharine Hume & Greg Richmond

Co-Executive Directors 

RainCity Housing and Support Society 

616 Powell Street, Vancouver V6A 1H4

COVID-19 Response October 2020 Update (revised November 9)

Corona Virus Microscope Image

NEW: Due to the public health order issued on Nov 7, 2020, we’ve made temporary changes to the following information, dated Nov 9 to Nov 23 and in bold font.

Hello to everyone! We’ve been keeping our heads down, working hard during the pandemic, and wanted to provide an update on how we’re addressing COVID-19 at RainCity Housing, while at the same time address the ongoing opioid poisoning epidemic, in order to make it as safe as we can for the program participants and our staff every day.

We continue to regularly monitor developments related to COVID-19 and rely on information from the BC Centre for Disease Control and public health to guide our work in this area.


  • Each of our sites has an Individual Pandemic Plan to respond to the ongoing situation.
  • All staff are provided with PPE (personal protective equipment) and have access to detailed information about how and when to use various forms of PPE.
  • Signage has been posted widely at all of our sites with recommended hygiene practices for workers, guests and the people we support.
  • Hand sanitizer and soap dispensers are available at all programs.
  • Plexiglass guards have been installed at the front desks in all of our buildings to make it possible to have necessary conversations with the people we are supporting.  
  • Continued enhanced infection control protocols are in place that include:
    • frequent regular surface cleaning at all of our sites, particularly at high contact points;
    • staff wear masks throughout their shifts;
    • Guests and program participants are encouraged to wear masks in all common areas of our buildings and to maintain physical distance;
    • Masks are available at all sites for distribution, upon request, to program participants and guests.
  • Nov 9 to Nov 23 – there will no in-person staff meetings. All will be conducted remotely.
  • Nov 9 to Nov 23 – our Indigenous Services and Peer Services staff will reduce site visits to essential visits only.
  • Nov 9 to Nov 23 – there will be minimum staffing at our 616 Powell Administration offices with as many people as possible working from home.
  • We have protocols and procedures in place for when a program participant or staff member tests positive and follow public health direction.

We continue to react to this situation and how it changes in real time, recognizing the possibility of receiving new information and new approaches to complex issues and ways to solve new problems every day.

Our exceptional and creative team of staff continue in their tireless work during every shift in the midst of not one but two health emergencies – thank you! And who constantly step up for each other and for the people we support.

Ways You Can Help

NOTE: from Nov 9 to Nov 23 we will not be able to accept donations in person.

If you are some of the amazing people who want to donate items to any of our sites, we are accepting donations of clothes and household items such as:

  • New socks
  • Blankets
  • Pillows
  • Towels
  • Shoes
  • Toiletries
  • Books

Please email me (Bill) at and provide a list of what you have in mind, and the community where you live. That way, I can make sure the right stuff is getting to the right program that is closest to you. Please note that we ARE NOT accepting food at this time, and we are unable to pick up items from you.  

If you are wanting to support us in other ways, one can always donate safely and securely from their own home by visiting our direct donation page. Huge thanks to all of you who donate to us and make it possible for us to respond even faster to this ongoing crisis.

Again, thank you for your ongoing support during these very interesting and intense times!

Pendants Provide Purpose during a Pandemic

“They were very popular and sold out in less than 2 days. I completely ran out of materials and was even taking apart my old ones to re-construct the new!”

Tina Pali makes beautiful pendants, a creative outlet that combines many of her passions – art, the outdoors, even her husband! – and she found a way her pendants can make a positive impact during these strange times.  

Our Communications and Fund Development Manager, Bill Briscall, wanted to know more about this amazing person and how the Dr. Bonnie Henry pendants came to be. Tina agreed to a short interview and we wanted to share it with you. 

Bill: Where is your home? 

Tina: I’m originally from Victoria, but have lived most of my adult life in the Lower Mainland. I’m a retired teacher and now live in Steveston.

B: How long have you been creating pendants? 

T: Since I retired 2 years ago I’ve been creating pendants from nature photos. My husband Frank is a professional photographer and has thousands wildlife photos to choose from. I have another friend that takes gorgeous florals that she kindly lets me use. Then there’s me with my iPhone taking random shots of things like tree bark.

B: What do like most about this type of artwork? 

T: Being a condo dweller, I like that it’s clean and doesn’t take up a lot of space. I’ve always loved being outdoors and appreciate the beauty in nature. I also really enjoy taking photos of my pendants to post on my instagram page @paliware.

B: How did you come up with the idea of making  Dr. Bonnie Henry pendants?

T: Since the beginning of the pandemic I had wanted to help in some way where I could use my skills. One day I saw a post of a painting of Dr. Bonnie’s message “Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe” created in a such colourful and playful way. I immediately thought that it would make a great pendant and I could sell them to raise money for charity. I contacted the artist (Sharon Montgomery) who kindly gave me permission to make a few pendants if it was for charity. Word got out and in less than 24 hours I was sold out and donated all the proceeds to the Richmond School District meals program.

I was on a roll, so I thought I should try to raise more money with a new pendant. I searched through my photos and came across our Lions Gate Bridge rising above the clouds. I knew it was going to be the perfect backdrop for Dr. Bonnie’s message. They were very popular and sold out in less than 2 days. I completely ran out of materials and was even taking apart my old ones to re-construct the new!

B: How did you hear about RainCity and the ACT Team?

T: I taught grade 6 and 7 with Jerry who is the husband of Gina Parhar (head of RainCity’s ACT Team). I knew Gina’s job involved supporting some very important people in the community so I asked her if they needed any money….of course she said “Yes”!

B: How are you getting through the pandemic?

T: Being retired, this is not a huge transition for me, as I’m used to occupying my time outside of working. I’m an active person so I stay in shape with pilates, yoga, walking. I’m a long time swimmer so I’m really missing the opening of Kits Pool.

B: What’s the first thing you’ll do when it’s over?

T: Hug my loved ones. And go swimming!

Thank you, Tina, for creating art, raising awareness, and finding a way to give back to the community during an unprecedented time!

You can see more of Tina’s beautiful work at @paliware over on Instagram, including a time-lapse video of her making the Dr. Bonnie Henry pendant – check it out!

RainCity’s response to COVID-19

We wanted to let you know how we’re addressing COVID-19 at RainCity Housing in order to make it as safe as we can for the residents and participants that we work with on a daily basis.

We are regularly monitoring developments that may be related to COVID-19 and are relying on information from the BC Centre for Disease Control and local health authorities for guidance and recommendations to shape our revised operational practices at RainCity Housing.


  • Enhanced infection control protocols for the people we support and our staff that include:
    • more frequent regular surface cleaning at all of our sites, particularly at high contact points (handrails, door handles, computers, counters in common areas);
    • frequent handwashing with soap for 20 seconds.
  • Sneeze guards have been installed at the front desks in all of our buildings to make it possible to have necessary conversations with the people we’re supporting.   
  • All of our building staff are now wearing masks throughout their shifts. 
  • All staff are provided with PPE (personal protective equipment) and the protocols for proper use.
  • Signage has been posted widely at all of our sites with recommended hygiene practices for the people we support, including refraining from touching, kissing, hugging and handshaking.
  • Hand sanitizer and soap dispensers are being replenished regularly. 
  • All staff meetings and other non-essential gatherings or events at all of our sites have been cancelled.
  • Our Administration (Payroll, Finance, Human Resources, Information Systems) and daily operations that provide food and administer medication will continue to run safely in order to support our programs and staff teams over the coming weeks.
  • Individual Pandemic Plans have been developed for each of our programs to respond to the ongoing situation.
  • Staff who can work from home will do so more often.
  • Staff are to stay home if they feel unwell.
  • Guests are no longer admitted at all of our locations, apart from essential services and deliveries.

Like all frontline organizations, we are reacting to this situation and how it changes in real time, and each day that goes by can often mean new information and new approaches to complex issues and ways to solve new problems.

We are extremely fortunate to have an exceptional and creative group of staff who are showing up each day for each other and for the people we support.

Ways You Can Help

If you are some of the amazing people who want to donate items to any of our sites, we kindly ask that you please hold on to them during these unique circumstances. Once the Health Authorities provide new information that includes relaxed or removed protocol, it will be safe to contact us with items or drop off at sites. 

If you are wanting to support us in other ways, one can always donate safely and securely from their own home by visiting our direct donation page. Huge thanks to all of you who donate to us and make it possible for us to respond even faster to this crisis.

Our social media channels will be updating any other real time measures we may need to take. 

Thank you for your ongoing support during these very interesting and intense times.

Winter Chills, Winter Thanks!

On Dec 20 Terry (left) and Lori Teng dropped off these items for folks living and staying at 3030 Gordon in Coquitlam.

Whether you were in the heart of Downtown Vancouver, or on the Sunshine Coast, there were some really cold days this winter. But our neighbours and supporters stepped up in so many ways in a lot of the communities where we provide housing and shelter. And not just leading up to Christmas – we’ve been getting donations of food, warm clothing, waterproof footwear, and so many other items throughout December AND January that we wanted to thank folks again. 

Here are some of the people and organizations that dug deep and were able to provide the kind of stuff that people really needed: thanks to Gina from Deep Cove who reached out via social media to pull together funds and purchased food and crucial clothing for the tenants at Windchimes in Vancouver; thanks to Terry and Lori Teng, Golds Gym Poco Group Fitness Fanatics, and the Fireside CCBC for their food and clothing fundraiser for the people staying and living at 3030 Gordon in Coquitlam; thanks to Acrteryx Vancouver for the donations of new gloves, toques and scarves for people at our Triage Shelter in Vancouver; thanks to the Weekly Arkaya Men’s Circle for delivering food to the people at our Gibsons Shelter on the Sunshine Coast; and thanks to GRIP for their donations from the Tri-Cities community for the people living and staying at 3030 Gordon in Coquitlam.

Gina dropped off all of this amazement – and more – to our Windchimes tenants on Dec 19.
Bill, our Fund Development & Comms person (left) picking up brand new toques, gloves and scarves from Acrteryx Vancouver on Jan 10.
On Jan 12 the Weekly Arkaya Men’s Circle delivered food to our Gibsons Shelter on the Sunshine Coast.
Jashan Singh Randhawa (left) and Susanna Piasecki (right) drop off donations on Jan 22 to Jenn and her team at 3030 Gordon in Coquitlam for the folks living and staying there.

For all of this and so much more, and the huge amount of donated funds we received during the winter months – thank you, thank you, thank you! You’ve definitely warmed the chills away! 

The Kids Are More Than Alright!

From top right, counterclockwise: Chloe at our LGBTQ2S+ Youth office, Vivian at our Chilliwack Modular Housing, Ming at our Winter Shelter, and the scarves Ming made.

Today’s youth can remind us of what is truly important, and that anyone – at any age – can make a difference. These three youth were too young to vote or run a business so they each found different ways to support others. For her 6th birthday Vivian asked for donations instead of gifts and raised over $200! Chloe, rather than receive Christmas gifts, asked for donations and raised $365! And Ming, knowing people can get cold and can feel forgotten during the winter, knitted scarves for everyone staying at our Winter Response Shelter.

A huge shout out to all of the people in these young people’s lives who set examples and/or have talked about the importance of giving back and building community. An even bigger shout out to Ming, Chloe and Vivian who each made their own choices to help others, knowing they would need to provide their own time, energy and money to do so. I know I wasn’t thinking of others who might need support when I was 6, or 8, or even 16. Whether it’s Climate Change, or racism, or homelessness, young people are speaking out and acting in order to make a difference.

Do you have Food Security?

You might. While the cost of living is getting higher in BC’s Lower Mainland, you probably have a job and money to put towards regular meals in your home. But if you’re household is relying on social assistance as the main or only source of income, a BC Center for Disease Control study found that 75% of these households are food insecure, and female lone-parent households with children under the age of 18 face the highest rate of food insecurity. [1]

What is Food Insecurity?

When someone has limited or no access to adequate, culturally-appropriate and nutritional food, that person is experiencing food insecurity. Food insecurity contributes to poorer overall health – physical, mental, and emotional – and can negatively impact conditions like:

  • Diabetes
  • Hepatitis
  • Depression
  • Suicidal ideation

And someone experiencing food insecurity can also find it harder to concentrate or manage their emotions. [2] [3]

Food Insecurity at RainCity

Over half of the housing at RainCity doesn’t have a funded meal program, and almost all of those buildings are located in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, where healthy food is scarce, lineups for hot meals are long, and hours to available food service are limited.

While some of our programs benefit from local food donations – and thank you for those! – food donations alone do not guarantee ongoing meals.  

What can be done?

Our Board has launched a fundraising campaign ‘Healthy Food, Healthy Minds’ to address this! There are three ways to contribute:

  • Make a personal donation – Every donation makes a difference at RainCity. 100% of your donation goes directly to food security. A donation of $60 will provide a month of weekly meals for a mom and her two kids!
  • Become a Monthly Donor – A monthly donor makes a huge impact while having little impact on your own budget. If you and nine people you know all decided to donate $50 a month (a nice dinner out with a close friend), the total would cover weekly meals for the 24 women living at the Vivian for a year!
  • Have Your Business Sponsor a Meal Program! – By sponsoring one or more of these meal programs, your donation will mean people no longer needing to use all of their time and energy to secure food – they will be able to focus healthier brains and bodies on learning valuable life skills, participating in life in a different way, and making their life and the lives of those around them better. Email us for more info.

“Food security exists when all people, at all times, have economic, physical and social access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.”

United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization

[1] Li, N, PhD, Dachner, N, MSc, Tarasuk, V, PhD, August 2016, Priority health equity indicators for British Columbia: Household food insecurity indicator report <>

[2] Hartline-Grafton, H, DrPH, RD, 2017, The Impact of Poverty, Food Insecurity, and Poor Nutrition on Health and Well-Being <>

[3] Proof Food Insecurity Policy Research, 2016 The Impact of Food Insecurity on Health <>

It takes a village to create homes

On Friday, March 29 we were part of the official opening event for the first of two modular housing projects in Chilliwack. It really does take a village to make changes and only by working together can we address crucial issues like addressing homelessness.

In the photograph above, from left to right are: Bill Briscall, Communications & Fund Development, RainCity Housing; Rod Simpson, Manager of Yale Modular, RainCity Housing; Laura Caron, Director of Clinical Services, RainCity Housing; City of Chilliwack Coucillor Harv Westeringh; Honorable Selina Robinson, Minister for Municipal Affairs & Housing; Catharine Hume, Co-Executive Director, RainCity Housing; City of Chilliwack Councillor Jeff Shields; City Chilliwack Mayor Ken Popove; Phill Hall from the Sto:lo Nation; City of Chilliwack Councillor Sue Attrill; Robert Taylor, Assistant Manager of Yale Modular, RainCity Housing; Paula Potter, Indigenous Cultural Liaison, RainCity Housing; Allahyar Raza, BC Housing.

All levels and types of government, people throughout the community sharing tasks and knowledge, all working towards a collective goal – ending homelessness.

On the left is Phil Hall from the Sto:lo Nation welcoming us all, and on the right is Horse Woman (Paula Potter), RainCity’s Indigenous Cultural Liaison Worker that will work onsite in Chilliwack.

What will happen on this site in Chilliwack?

There is clearly a need for more affordable housing in Chilliwack. The modular housing will open in April 2019 and tenanting will begin towards the end of the month.

Residents will be provided meals and have access to life and employment skills training, and receive health and wellness support services to assist them in overcoming health and other challenges in order to maintaining their housing.

RainCity’s responsibilities include property management, operations management, and tenant selection in collaboration with BC Housing and community partners. Once people move in, staff provide 24/7 on site support to tenants.

An invitation to join the Community Advisory Committee

If you are a community member – either a business owner or residents – that lives and/or works near 45944 Yale Road, you may be interesting becoming a member of the Community Advisory Committee for this modular housing.  

The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) monitors progress and discusses issues and works towards constructive solutions to issues. It plays a key role in addressing concerns and helping to successfully integrate the building and its residents into the community.

The committee includes:

  • Members of the Community (5 to 7 residents and/or businesses)
  • RainCity Housing
  • City of Chilliwack
  • RCMP
  • Fraser Health
  • BC Housing

If you are interested in becoming a member of the CAC, read the Terms of Reference (to be confirmed by the CAC membership), download the Community Representative Application Form and email the filled out form to Rod Simpson, the Program Manager at

We look forward to working with all of our neighbours, partners and the 11 communities that make up the Sto:lo Nation.