We know that volunteers rock, so come out and rock with us!

By Bill Briscall | May 11, 2012

Join us at the FIRST EVER Downtown Eastside Women’s Rock Camp! Your all time favourite Girls Rock Camp Vancouver has partnered with our first ever DTES Women’s Rock Camp. And we are REALLY excited! But we need your help. Volunteers are needed for some or all of the days of the camp. And the deadline …

“…something right is happening.”

By Bill Briscall | April 25, 2012

That’s what Executive Director Mark Smith said when he was asked by CNN about how Vancouver (and RainCity Housing) is addressing homelessness. He was referring to how many more people were inside — almost 80% more — when comparing the numbers from the latest Metro Vancouver Homelessness Count (2011) to the count that was done …

International Women’s Day is Good News

By Bill Briscall | March 8, 2012

Good news! It’s the 101st International Women’s Day, and there are many ways to celebrate. You can attend the City of Vancouver’s Remarkable Women event this evening, or the Women in Film Festival that starts today, and many others. Bad news — last week the Metro Vancouver Homelessness Count released their final numbers, and while …

A snapshot of homelessness

By Bill Briscall | June 2, 2011

Last week the preliminary numbers were released from the Metro Vancouver Homeless Count 2011, and if you haven’t already heard there were a number of surprises. For the first time since the count began in 2002 there was a decrease, albeit a small one, in the overall numbers (1%) and a big decrease in unsheltered …

The FYI on YPI

By Bill Briscall | May 6, 2011

What are they teaching kids in school these days? Would you believe me if I told you they might be learning about social awareness and how to give back to the community? It’s true! The Youth and Philanthropy Initiative, or YPI, has been part of the high school curriculum (usually grade ten) here in Canada …

The women at Vivian want their stories heard.

By Bill Briscall | May 4, 2011

A few weeks ago there was an article with the women living at the Vivian, because it was important to find out what they thought and if they wanted to share their side of the story. The women living at the ‘Viv’ arranged a meeting to express their concerns about the article, and two of …

Survival, Strength, Sisterhood: Power of Women in the Downtown Eastside

By Bill Briscall | February 14, 2011

From it’s small, difficult start to the important and internationally recognized event that it is today, the 20 years of the memorial march is eloquently shown by film makers Alejandro Zuluaga and Harsha Walia. Please share the short film widely. Watch the film.

It’s all about trust

By Bill Briscall | January 4, 2011

Our Executive Director Mark Smith spoke with CTV about the success of the VPD’s Outreach Program, and that the key factor is building trust. Read the story.

Homelessness is not a Choice

By Bill Briscall | March 8, 2010

An Emily Carr University student created this years ago. We love it, and want to thank the student. If you recognize the work, please ask the artist to contact us so we can include their name here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-fJGuv3C3Y

Sean speaks with CKNW

By Bill Briscall | December 23, 2009

Sean Spear, our Director of Support Services, speaks with Jill Bennett on CKNW about the temporary shelter on East Broadway, why it’s located in that neighbourhood and who it’s serving. Listen to the interview.